.. java:import:: org.moe.natj.c CRuntime .. java:import:: org.moe.natj.general.ann Callable .. java:import:: org.moe.natj.general.ann Runtime .. java:import:: java.lang.annotation ElementType .. java:import:: java.lang.annotation Retention .. java:import:: java.lang.annotation RetentionPolicy .. java:import:: java.lang.annotation Target FunctionPtr =========== .. java:package:: org.moe.natj.c.ann :noindex: .. java:type:: @Callable @Runtime @Retention @Target public @interface FunctionPtr Mark a native method or its arguments to tell NatJ that the value is a C callback. NatJ will lookup a method by the \ :java:ref:`name()`\ and \ :java:ref:`argTypes()`\ .