Working with Pointers

In this guide we will explain the usage of pointers.

What are pointers?

In C, C++, Objective-C and some other programming languages pointers are values which contains an address that refers to another value in memory. In the aforementioned languages pointers usually appear in a syntax similar to:

int *values; // Pointer to an integer type
NSString *string; // Pointer to an NSString object

Pointers are generally constructed with malloc and destructed with free:

float *vars = (float *)malloc(10 * sizeof(float));
read_values(vars, 10);
float avg = calculate_avg(vars);

Because Multi-OS Engine has bindings for almost the complete C and Objective-C APIs in the iOS SDK, using pointers is inevitable. NatJ supports pointer usage and has the following pre-defined pointer types:

  • VoidPtr representing a void *
  • BoolPtr representing a BOOL *, element size is 1 byte
  • BytePtr representing a char *, element size is 1 byte
  • CharPtr representing a unsigned short *, element size is 2 bytes
  • ShortPtr representing a short *, element size is 2 bytes
  • IntPtr representing a int *, element size is 4 bytes
  • LongPtr representing a long long *, element size is 8 bytes
  • FloatPtr representing a float *, element size is 4 bytes
  • DoublePtr representing a double *, element size is 8 bytes
  • NIntPtr representing a NSInteger *, element size is architecture dependent
  • NUIntPtr representing a NSUInteger *, element size is architecture dependent
  • NFloatPtr representing a CGFloat *, element size is architecture dependent
  • And additional types for handling pointers to C structures and Objective-C objects (discussed later)

All pointers in Java are created with the PtrFactory class’ static methods. The following sections will explain the different types of pointers.

Strong Non-guarded Pointers

PtrFactory method prefix: new<type>...(...)

These are the most commonly used pointers. Memory to the pointed area is managed by Java’s GC.

Let’s look at the following problem: we want to create an NSIndexPath by using its init method which uses an NSUInteger pointer as its first argument:

// Create a NUIntPtr object with an allocated memory size of one NSUInteger
NUIntPtr ptr = PtrFactory.newNUIntReference();

// Set the referenced memory's value to 10

// Create the NSIndexPath object
NSIndexPath path = NSIndexPath.indexPathWithIndexesLength(ptr, 1);
System.out.println("Path is " + path);

This code should output Path is <NSIndexPath: 0x7c234280> {length = 1, path = 10}

Another way to do this is by using another factory method, which uses the initial value as argument:

// Create a NUIntPtr object with an allocated memory size of one NSUInteger
// and the referenced memory's value to 10
NUIntPtr ptr = PtrFactory.newNUIntReference(10L);

// Create the NSIndexPath object
NSIndexPath path = NSIndexPath.indexPathWithIndexesLength(ptr, 1);
System.out.println("Path is " + path.description());

This should have the same result Path is <NSIndexPath: 0x7c234370> {length = 1, path = 10}

This was good for a small introduction, but let’s look at a more likely situation, that is when there are more than one elements:

// Create a NUIntPtr object with an allocated memory size of 3 NSUIntegers
NUIntPtr ptr = PtrFactory.newNUIntArray(3);

// Set the referenced memory's value
ptr.set(1, 20L);

// Create the NSIndexPath object
NSIndexPath path = NSIndexPath.indexPathWithIndexesLength(ptr, 3);
System.out.println("Path is " + path);

This code should output Path is <NSIndexPath: 0x7c081d10> {length = 3, path = 10 - 20 - 0}


Allocated memory returned from PtrFactory is zero’d out. This is why the third element in the path above is zero.

As this was a more life-like scenario, for a Java programmer this is very uncomfortable, this is why we support the following solution as well:

// Create a NUIntPtr object with an allocated memory size of 2 NSUIntegers
// and set the referenced memory's value
NUIntPtr ptr = PtrFactory.newNUIntArray(new long[] { 10L, 20L });

// Create the NSIndexPath object
NSIndexPath path = NSIndexPath.indexPathWithIndexesLength(ptr, 2);
System.out.println("Path is " + path);

Output looks like this Path is <NSIndexPath: 0x7c08af40> {length = 2, path = 10 - 20}

While the creation of this pointer was simpler, the results were not exactly the same. In the previous example the referenced memory size was 3 NSUIntegers while in this one it was only 2 NSUIntegers.

The achieve the exact results we can use the copyFrom method:

// Create a NUIntPtr object with an allocated memory size of 3 NSUIntegers
NUIntPtr ptr = PtrFactory.newNUIntArray(3);

// Set the referenced memory's value
ptr.copyFrom(new long[] { 10L, 20L });

// Create the NSIndexPath object
NSIndexPath path = NSIndexPath.indexPathWithIndexesLength(ptr, 3);
System.out.println("Path is " + path);

Output is Path is <NSIndexPath: 0x7c081c20> {length = 3, path = 10 - 20 - 0}

Strong Guarded Pointers

PtrFactory method prefix: newGuarded<type>...(...)

Guarded pointers add some safety to pointers (on the Java side). Accessing Non-guarded pointers are a bit faster, but those require much more attention at indexing, because indexing outside the memory’s bounds will not throw an exception rather the application will most likely crash due to a segmentation fault. Guarded pointers however will do an index check and will throw an IndexOutOfBoundsException when needed.

Here’s a simple example where the guard saved us:

// Create a ShortPtr object with an allocated memory size of 5 shorts
ShortPtr ptr = PtrFactory.newGuardedShortArray(5);

try {
        // Index outside of the allocated memory
        ptr.set(5, (short) 100);
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
        System.out.println("Index was out of bounds!");

The output is Index was out of bounds! instead of an embarrassing application crash.

Guarded pointers can be created from Non-guarded pointers via the getGuarded method, but NatJ relies on the programmer to specify the bounds correctly.

Weak Non-guarded Pointers

PtrFactory method prefix: newWeak<type>...(...)

Weak pointers differ from strong pointers in only one way, memory management is completely manual. This is useful when doing optimizations, for example:

// Create a CharPtr object with an allocated memory size of 5 chars
// and set the referenced memory's value to 'Hello'
CharPtr ptr = PtrFactory.newWeakCharArray("Hello".toCharArray());

// Create an NSString object from the pointer and make NSString responsible
// for deallocation the pointer
NSString string = NSString.alloc()
                .initWithCharactersNoCopyLengthFreeWhenDone(ptr, 5, true);
System.out.println("My value is " + string);

The code should print My value is Hello

In this scenario this was useful because we didn’t copy the entire string when the NSString was initialized, rather we simply passed the pointer to it. When working with large amounts of data this could save a lot of time and memory!

Weak Guarded Pointers

PtrFactory method prefix: newGuardedWeak<type>..(...)

Weak Non-guarded pointers have the same relation with weak guarded pointers as strong non-guarded with strong guarded pointers.

Retrieving Values

Retrieving values can be done in multiple ways, of which the simplest are the get and toArray method variants.

Here is a simple example:

// Create a green UIColor
UIColor color = UIColor.greenColor();

// Create a pointer where the hue value will be stored
NFloatPtr hue = PtrFactory.newNFloatReference();

// Retrieve the hue value
color.getHueSaturationBrightnessAlpha(hue, null, null, null);
System.out.println("Hue of color is " + hue.get());

The code will print something like this Hue of color is 0.3333333432674408

Pointer Offsetting

Offsetting pointers can be useful in various ways that we will not go into, but instead show how to actually do it. The most important thing to know is that offsetted pointers still point to the memory region of the original pointer!

Let’s look at the next example where we want to copy ‘Hello’ five times after each other. One solution to this would be using the correct copyFrom method which can specify the target offset. The other solution is using pointer offsets:

// Create a CharPtr object with an allocated memory size of 25 chars
CharPtr ptr = PtrFactory.newCharArray(25);

// Set the offsetted memory's value 'Hello'
for (int idx = 0; idx < 25; idx += 5) {

// Create an NSString object from the pointer
NSString string = NSString.alloc().initWithCharactersLength(ptr, 25);
System.out.println("5 * 'Hello' = " + string);

The output is 5 * 'Hello' = HelloHelloHelloHelloHello

Because the offsetted pointer always points to the original memory region, this code is also valid:

// Create a CharPtr object with an allocated memory size of 25 chars
CharPtr ptr = PtrFactory.newCharArray(25);

// Set the offsetted memory's value 'Hello' and re-offset the pointer
CharPtr ofs = ptr;
for (int idx = 0; idx < 5; ++idx) {
        ofs = ofs.ofs(5);

// Create an NSString object from the pointer
NSString string = NSString.alloc().initWithCharactersLength(ptr, 25);
System.out.println("5 * 'Hello' = " + string);

Again, the output will be 5 * 'Hello' = HelloHelloHelloHelloHello

Here’s an example of using pointer offsetting instead of four NFloatPtrs:

// Create a blue UIColor
UIColor color = UIColor.blueColor();

// Create a pointer where the 4 components of HSBA will be stored
NFloatPtr cmps = PtrFactory.newNFloatArray(4);

// Retrieve the HSBA values
color.getHueSaturationBrightnessAlpha(cmps, cmps.ofs(1), cmps.ofs(2), cmps.ofs(3));
System.out.println("HSBA values are " + Arrays.asList(cmps.toArray(4)));

Output is HSBA values are [0.6666666865348816, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]

C Structure Pointers

C structure pointers are bound a bit differently than other pointers because the interpretation of how the code should be bound relies on the context it is used in. It can be either a reference to a single structure or a pointer to multiple structures.


The binding code for some of these methods will be changed to better reflect the function of them!

In the next example we will show you how structure references work:

// Create a CGRect object representing {{0, 0}, {200, 100}}
CGRect rect = new CGRect(CoreGraphics.CGPointZero(), new CGSize(200.0, 100.0));

// Create two more rects for the slice and remainder
CGRect slice = new CGRect();
CGRect remainder = new CGRect();

// Divide the rect
CoreGraphics.CGRectDivide(rect, slice, remainder, 50.0, CGRectEdge.MinXEdge);
System.out.println("Slice is " + UIKit.NSStringFromCGRect(slice));
System.out.println("Remainder is " + UIKit.NSStringFromCGRect(remainder));

Objective-C Object Pointers

These pointers are often not too useful, but there are some very good exceptions. The iOS SDK usually does not use exceptions for error handling, rather it uses pointers to NSError objects. Here is an example for how error handling can be implemented with error information provided by NSError:

// Create a NSURL to a non-existent website
NSURL url = NSURL.URLWithString("https://www.invalid.url/nothinghere");

// Create the NSError pointer
Ptr<NSError> error = PtrFactory.newObjectReference(NSError.class);

// Try to create a NSString from the bad URL
NSString string = NSString.stringWithContentsOfURLEncodingError(url,
                Enums.NSUTF8StringEncoding, error);

// Handle error
if (string == null) {

Output will be something like: The operation couldn’t be completed. (Cocoa error 256.)